Saturday, July 4, 2009

Weekly Musical Interlude

When I was in high school, my best friend went to France on a school trip. Because I took Spanish, I wasn't allowed to go with him. I think we would have had a great time together, but from the stories he came back with I don't think he missed me.

The part that really made me jealous wasn't that I didn't get to see the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre or Versailles. That would have been cool. No, what really made me jealous was that they managed to squeeze in a Bruce Springsteen concert while over there.

My friend did bring me back a concert T-shirt and a cool postcard replica of the ticket, which I still have in a frame with all the tickets I've kept from the Springsteen shows I've seen. Still, I missed out on seeing the Boss in Paris.

Now thanks to the interwebs and YouTube I have a glimpse of what they saw that 30 June day in 1985. You can too. Plus, with it being July 4 and all, I couldn't think of a better video to show.


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